Annual Impact Report

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Total students served by portfolio companies in 2019
Total students served by portfolio companies in 2019

Who We Are

We are at the center of investing in the future of education and work. We support mission-driven founders willing to tackle the HARD problems - to challenge the status quo and transform educational outcomes for all learners.


Our Values

Why we do this work

We want to help the disadvantaged and vulnerable, both in the U.S. and around the globe, to reach their full human potential and to thrive as workers, citizens, and family members.


We want to transform learning for everyone, rich and poor. People learn best through personalized, collaborative, self-paced exploration linked to their own interests and passions.


We want to respect the needs of all stakeholders in our firm and in the firms we invest in. We want our companies to benefit customers, employees, investors, and larger communities they inhabit.


The State of Impact Investing

In 2020 the pandemic changed education around the globe. People of any age trying to learn anything struggled with grief; terror; loneliness; anger; hunger; anger; homelessness; racist policies and budgets and the constant spectacle of violence by racists, uniformed and otherwise; lack of a quiet, private place; lack of computing devices; lack of connection to the internet; lack of accommodations for special needs; and lack of childcare and eldercare and help in caring for the sick. The pandemic dramatically exacerbated inequality.

Even the wealthiest and safest people in the US and most other nations now struggle with an invisible wound, a painful and distracting blankness that falls across every effort to concentrate and to learn. For learners, the trauma of the pandemic sharpened existential questions about whether a particular formal credential was worth pursuing. Learners have become much less tolerant of obligatory busywork: they want an education honed down to essentials.

What does that education honed down to essentials look like? We have a crystallizing thesis about what learners, and particularly economically vulnerable learners, are looking for and having trouble finding. We call it minimum viable upskilling, and in its purest form it has the following traits: 1. It takes less than time than a traditional degree, and ideally weeks or a few months. 2. It comes with a guarantee of a good job, or at least an interview for a good job, for those who complete the program. 3. It is free or costs very little. 4. It fully recognizes a student’s prior learning. 4. It recognizes the values, preferences, and aspirations of students as well as their skills and aptitudes.

This may sound like an absurdly demanding set of requirements, but we are starting to see the emergence of strong minimum viable upskilling programs, including some within our portfolio.

One example involves Pathstream, which helps students prepare for jobs including data analyst, digital marketer, sales administrator, and project manager. For each of those roles, Pathstream runs a 4-6 month program where the student earns college credits and certificates from a major tech company like Facebook, Salesforce, Asana, or Unity. Mastering the relevant tech platform is a major edge in landing a good early-career job. Many students will soon be able to have their employers pay the full cost of a Pathstream course. And Pathstream has an expanding network of partnerships with employers, including staffing company Kelly Services.

Similarly, Correlation One has found sponsors that will allow the company to offer its Data Science For All program free to ten thousand future data analyts and data scientists over the next three years. For their October 2020 cohort, Correlation One chose 500 people from a pool of 8500 applicants. The admitted students were 60% black, 30% Latinx, and 15% LGBTQ+. The program includes mentoring and connections to multiple employers.
Like many of our portfolio companies, Pathstream and Correlation One had a good year. For many education technology companies, 2020 was a year of unprecedented growth. Online learning moved from the periphery of formal education to the center, from a supplemental or inferior option to a central one. Some companies struggled, but many companies experienced a decade worth of growth in a year. Valuation multiples for many education companies have increased dramatically, competition among investors has intensified, and a bubble is emerging.

Some of the most successful education companies, though, widen rather than narrow the gap between rich and poor. And many financially successful companies have anemic completion and engagement numbers.

An investors who want to make the world juster and more equitable, we try to choose our companies and our entrepreneurs thoughtfully. We look for companies whose core strategy centers on serving a vulnerable population. We want the commitment to social impact to be hard- wired into the business model. We did our first close on our first fund back in August of 2012, although the fund technically belongs to the 2014 vintage year. We have watched companies from our portfolio grow into the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue. And it gives us great pleasure to be able to say that we have seen very little mission drift in our portfolio.
We have had nineteen partial and total exits from our portfolio, and we are happy to say that even our companies that have gone public or been acquired have largely maintained fidelity to their missions. Some acquirers under-utilize or even destroy the assets they acquire, but we have not seen a former portfolio company go over to the dark side. And there are many instances where one of our companies became a critical component of the strategy of a much larger acquirer. The skills assessment capabilities of our company Smarterer became a crucial differentiator for their acquirer PluralSight. Our Fund II company Trilogy Education Services contributes an increasing percentage of the revenues of our Fund I company 2U and helps 2U address a more economically vulnerable student population. McGraw Hill Education doesn’t use all of the capabilities of the Engrade platform, but Engrade’s software is now the content management platform used to deliver all of McGraw Hill’s digital assets, which play an important role in the lives of millions of people every month.

Our firm continues to have a slightly different perspective on education than other investors do. And we believe that our perspective is more badly needed than ever.

Schools, colleges, and upskilling programs are frequently teaching the wrong skills. The skills we all need include the ability to listen and empathize, to ask interesting questions and define problems, to collaborate, to solve problems creatively, to write and speak clearly, to evaluate the quality of information, to think critically, to analyze probabilities, to analyze and change our own habits of thought, to translate ideas and paradigms from one domain to another, to think about the behavior of systems, and to mentor and be mentored, to name just a few. We need less grading, less memorization of facts and formulae, fewer videos of lectures, and fewer multiple-choice tests. We need more active learning, collaboration, exploration, peer feedback, debate, simulations, interviews, metacognitive reflection, prototyping, projects, and portfolios. We need learning at every level to blend the continual play of pre-school, the intense collaboration of a hackathon, and the self-directed deep exploration of a doctoral program.

The entrepreneurs we are looking for thus have a double task: to solve an urgent problem for the current system, and to transform the system into one that serves the whole student. We are looking for Trojan horse companies that carry a secret cargo of heightened empathy and collaboration and joy.

Our mission is to help all learners reach their full potential and make sure the founders solving those challenges are reflective of those who face the greatest barriers in education


Supporting Founders of Color

Rethink Education has earmarked $5mm from Rethink Education III to invest in underrepresented people of color helping solve some of the toughest challenges from education to workforce development. The team has coined this initiative Rethink Equity, acknowledging that venture capital is hardly distributed on a level playing field.

While this initiative is new, Rethink Education’s track record of investing in diverse founders dates back to the firm’s inception in 2012. Currently, 14% of Rethink Education’s portfolio is founded and/or led by Black and Latinx entrepreneurs.

Rethink Education’s Investment Theses

After reviewing portfolio construction, the team discovered that many of our initial investments in Black and Latinx founders were deployed from Rethink Education Seed, a $15mm carveout managed in conjunction with Southern New Hampshire University, which completed investments in 2019.

The leading indicator for early-stage venture decisions is the credibility of the founding team. This is measured by a founder’s pedigree, track record of success (scaling companies or operationally) and ability to connect the dots between early traction and a large-scale market opportunity that is understood by investors they are pitching. Evaluation is most subjective at this stage and Black and Latinx founders are overwhelmingly screened out because their backgrounds and the problems they are solving don’t align with investors’ traditional proxies of evaluation.

Connect Black product designers and developers around the world with better job opportunities

We always believed that there would be a continued need for education that involved humans talking to each other and defining and solving problems with each other.

Put human conversation & collaboration at the core of the learning experience

We always believed that there would be a continued need for education that involved humans talking to each other and defining and solving problems with each other.

Put human conversation & collaboration at the core of the learning experience

We always believed that there would be a continued need for education that involved humans talking to each other and defining and solving problems with each other.

Put human conversation & collaboration at the core of the learning experience

We always believed that there would be a continued need for education that involved humans talking to each other and defining and solving problems with each other.

In 2020, eleifend justo, habitant etiam morbi amet ullamcorper.

Total Students Reached

This number does not include companies that exited the portfolio prior to Fall 2020

Total Dollars Invested

This number does not include companies that exited the portfolio prior to Fall 2020

Total Portfolio Companies

Includes 9 companies with investments from multiple funds (AdmitHub, AllHere, Care Academy, Crehana, Ellevation, Kenzie Academy, NoRedInk, Pathstream, SVAcademy)

Total Low‑Income Students Reached

This number does not include companies that exited the portfolio prior to Fall 2020

% of Portfolio Companies with a female CEO/Founder
Industry Average is 9.2%

Diversity in U.S. Startups report by RateMyInvestor and Diversity VC. link

Total Exit Transactions

Exit transactions include the public offering of 2U; cash acquisitions of Pathbrite by Cengage, Intellus by Macmillan, General Assembly and Course Report by Adecco Group, Neverware by Google, Rethink First by K1 Investment Management, and StraighterLine by BV Investment Partners; cash and stock acquisitions of Engrade by McGraw-Hill, Smarterer by Pluralsight, MissionU by WeWork, Flocabulary by Nearpod, Trilogy Education Services by 2U and Imbellus by Roblox; and stock acquisitions of Entangled by Guild Education.









Portfolio Landscape

By Solution Type

By Sector

By Geography

all graphs exclude StartEd Cohort, which includes nine companies selected from the Fall 2017 accelerator program

What our companies did during COVID-19 to support students

Increasing Student Retention

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Eleifend id suspendisse eu elementum duis nunc fringilla mattis ut.

Increasing Student Retention

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Increasing Student Retention

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Rising Up to the Challenge of COVID-19

Providing much-needed childcare access and education support for healthcare heroes

During COVID-19, Vivvi recognized the critical challenge of childcare for emergency healthcare workers. The team partnered with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital to launch an in-person childcare center on hospital premises in addition to virtual tutoring to both support healthcare hero parents and improve the learning and care of their children. The program enrolled 1,000+ children, allowing hospital employees to work an additional 540 shifts from the relieved mental and physical burden of childcare. Children experience 78% improved academic performance and 71% more confidence. Parents experienced 77% less burnout and a 41% increase in safety and focus at work.

“I think the biggest change I’ve seen in Hannah is her level of confidence in her least favorite and hardest subject in school. As a working parent, it’s made my life so much easier knowing that she’s in good hands.”

Providing much-needed childcare access and education support for healthcare heroes

During COVID-19, Vivvi recognized the critical challenge of childcare for emergency healthcare workers. The team partnered with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital to launch an in-person childcare center on hospital premises in addition to virtual tutoring to both support healthcare hero parents and improve the learning and care of their children. The program enrolled 1,000+ children, allowing hospital employees to work an additional 540 shifts from the relieved mental and physical burden of childcare. Children experience 78% improved academic performance and 71% more confidence. Parents experienced 77% less burnout and a 41% increase in safety and focus at work.

“I think the biggest change I’ve seen in Hannah is her level of confidence in her least favorite and hardest subject in school. As a working parent, it’s made my life so much easier knowing that she’s in good hands.”

Providing much-needed childcare access and education support for healthcare heroes

During COVID-19, Vivvi recognized the critical challenge of childcare for emergency healthcare workers. The team partnered with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital to launch an in-person childcare center on hospital premises in addition to virtual tutoring to both support healthcare hero parents and improve the learning and care of their children. The program enrolled 1,000+ children, allowing hospital employees to work an additional 540 shifts from the relieved mental and physical burden of childcare. Children experience 78% improved academic performance and 71% more confidence. Parents experienced 77% less burnout and a 41% increase in safety and focus at work.

“I think the biggest change I’ve seen in Hannah is her level of confidence in her least favorite and hardest subject in school. As a working parent, it’s made my life so much easier knowing that she’s in good hands.”

Providing much-needed childcare access and education support for healthcare heroes

During COVID-19, Vivvi recognized the critical challenge of childcare for emergency healthcare workers. The team partnered with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital to launch an in-person childcare center on hospital premises in addition to virtual tutoring to both support healthcare hero parents and improve the learning and care of their children. The program enrolled 1,000+ children, allowing hospital employees to work an additional 540 shifts from the relieved mental and physical burden of childcare. Children experience 78% improved academic performance and 71% more confidence. Parents experienced 77% less burnout and a 41% increase in safety and focus at work.

“I think the biggest change I’ve seen in Hannah is her level of confidence in her least favorite and hardest subject in school. As a working parent, it’s made my life so much easier knowing that she’s in good hands.”

Things We Are Proud Of

In 2020, our portfolio companies made some major progress addressing urgent problems in education. We are proud to support companies that are:

Suite of K-12 instructional and learning tools

Advancing collaborative, effective instruction

Hapara helped improve teacher instruction and the learning experience for 2,000,000 K-12 students in 2020 and empowered schools to more easily transition to remote learning during COVID-19. Its online instructional tools allow teachers to deliver differentiated instruction and provide formative feedback, facilitate virtual collaboration among students and teachers, and help students organize their learning and stay on task online. School districts have reported effective and equitable increases in student learning performance.

“Hapara is more than just tools that your district purchased. The tools are great, but Hapara brings together a community of educators from around the world that truly want to help each other successfully implement educational programs focused on student centered learning. That’s where the true magic happens.”

Chris Skinner, District Instructional Technology Specialist
El Campo Independent School District
El Campo, TX

Amira Learning’s AI tutor empowered 146,500 students to read with greater confidence in 2020, with students using Amira doubling their reading fluency growth compared with non-users.

Ever since students started using Amira during centers, I have seen a true increase in engagement.  Deon was a student who struggled with reading. While working on other software programs, he was disengaged and off task.  Thanks to Amira and its adaptive programming, Deon is reading at his own level, gaining confidence, and actively engaged. Amira provides him with immediate and effective feedback. He now looks forward to reading centers, and he is held accountable by his 1:1 tutor."

Instructional Coach, Lowndes County, GA

Suite of K-12 instructional and learning tools

Advancing collaborative, effective instruction

Suite of K-12 instructional and learning tools

Advancing collaborative, effective instruction

Hapara helped improve teacher instruction and the learning experience for 2,000,000 K-12 students in 2020 and empowered schools to more easily transition to remote learning during COVID-19. Its online instructional tools allow teachers to deliver differentiated instruction and provide formative feedback, facilitate virtual collaboration among students and teachers, and help students organize their learning and stay on task online. School districts have reported effective and equitable increases in student learning performance.
“Hapara is more than just tools that your district purchased. The tools are great, but Hapara brings together a community of educators from around the world that truly want to help each other successfully implement educational programs focused on student centered learning. That’s where the true magic happens.”

Chris Skinner, District Instructional Technology Specialist
El Campo Independent School District
El Campo, TX

Hapara helped improve teacher instruction and the learning experience for 2,000,000 K-12 students in 2020 and empowered schools to more easily transition to remote learning during COVID-19. Its online instructional tools allow teachers to deliver differentiated instruction and provide formative feedback, facilitate virtual collaboration among students and teachers, and help students organize their learning and stay on task online. School districts have reported effective and equitable increases in student learning performance.
“Hapara is more than just tools that your district purchased. The tools are great, but Hapara brings together a community of educators from around the world that truly want to help each other successfully implement educational programs focused on student centered learning. That’s where the true magic happens.”

Chris Skinner, District Instructional Technology Specialist
El Campo Independent School District
El Campo, TX

Suite of K-12 instructional and learning tools

Advancing collaborative, effective instruction

Case Studies & Interviews

Selected case studies highlight the breadth and depth of impact that early and growth-stage portfolio companies are having in the education sector. This section also includes two company interviews. The interviews highlight some of the practices implemented at portfolio companies which we believe can lead to strong outcomes and which may be instructive for other companies operating in this sector

Higher Ed

Eleifend id suspendisse eu elementum duis nunc fringilla mattis ut. Morbi ullamcorper sodales amet, laoreet non ac dolor adipiscing. Nunc elementum semper ultricies nisl, tristique etiam vitae sed lorem.

Read More
Abl’s software and actionable insights help school district leaders take an operations-first approach to equity and resource allocation
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
Type of Evidence
Company-provided case study


Velit egestas dignissim eu malesuada. Ridiculus egestas nibh sed eget. Vulputate id non sit gravida. Commodo ut risus arcu non nec. Rutrum dui, lacus, faucibus lectus orci luctus in diam at. Ultrices elementum, congue vestibulum eget donec quis. Nullam suspendisse nunc gravida erat.
Non eleifend semper at gravida ornare elementum a. Laoreet et imperdiet convallis sit aliquam. Quis tortor cras diam magnis nisl amet lacinia felis. Blandit feugiat neque, velit, phasellus condimentum. Sed porttitor quisque amet eu. Dignissim gravida vitae eu, accumsan. Duis purus sit urna in sed. Tortor justo, interdum sit purus non faucibus.
Ornare at nunc sed arcu, diam integer amet turpis. Varius.


Abl’s audit uncovered the number of instructional hours Federal Way Students were missing, compared to those attending schools operating on a six-period schedule


the number of students Abl impacted in 2019

Recent Evidence of Impact

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Abl’s analysis helped us see that many scholars were not having rigorous, robust schedules, and academic experiences they needed to open every possible door after high school. Not only that, but our scheduling practices were also resulting in a financial hit to our district.

Tammy Campbell
Federal Way Public Schools
Higher Ed

Eleifend id suspendisse eu elementum duis nunc fringilla mattis ut. Morbi ullamcorper sodales amet, laoreet non ac dolor adipiscing. Nunc elementum semper ultricies nisl, tristique etiam vitae sed lorem.

Read More
Abl’s software and actionable insights help school district leaders take an operations-first approach to equity and resource allocation
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
Type of Evidence
Company-provided case study


Velit egestas dignissim eu malesuada. Ridiculus egestas nibh sed eget. Vulputate id non sit gravida. Commodo ut risus arcu non nec. Rutrum dui, lacus, faucibus lectus orci luctus in diam at. Ultrices elementum, congue vestibulum eget donec quis. Nullam suspendisse nunc gravida erat.
Non eleifend semper at gravida ornare elementum a. Laoreet et imperdiet convallis sit aliquam. Quis tortor cras diam magnis nisl amet lacinia felis. Blandit feugiat neque, velit, phasellus condimentum. Sed porttitor quisque amet eu. Dignissim gravida vitae eu, accumsan. Duis purus sit urna in sed. Tortor justo, interdum sit purus non faucibus.
Ornare at nunc sed arcu, diam integer amet turpis. Varius.


Abl’s audit uncovered the number of instructional hours Federal Way Students were missing, compared to those attending schools operating on a six-period schedule


the number of students Abl impacted in 2019

Recent Evidence of Impact

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Abl’s analysis helped us see that many scholars were not having rigorous, robust schedules, and academic experiences they needed to open every possible door after high school. Not only that, but our scheduling practices were also resulting in a financial hit to our district.

Tammy Campbell
Federal Way Public Schools
Higher Ed

Eleifend id suspendisse eu elementum duis nunc fringilla mattis ut. Morbi ullamcorper sodales amet, laoreet non ac dolor adipiscing. Nunc elementum semper ultricies nisl, tristique etiam vitae sed lorem.

Read More
Abl’s software and actionable insights help school district leaders take an operations-first approach to equity and resource allocation
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
Type of Evidence
Company-provided case study


Velit egestas dignissim eu malesuada. Ridiculus egestas nibh sed eget. Vulputate id non sit gravida. Commodo ut risus arcu non nec. Rutrum dui, lacus, faucibus lectus orci luctus in diam at. Ultrices elementum, congue vestibulum eget donec quis. Nullam suspendisse nunc gravida erat.
Non eleifend semper at gravida ornare elementum a. Laoreet et imperdiet convallis sit aliquam. Quis tortor cras diam magnis nisl amet lacinia felis. Blandit feugiat neque, velit, phasellus condimentum. Sed porttitor quisque amet eu. Dignissim gravida vitae eu, accumsan. Duis purus sit urna in sed. Tortor justo, interdum sit purus non faucibus.
Ornare at nunc sed arcu, diam integer amet turpis. Varius.


Abl’s audit uncovered the number of instructional hours Federal Way Students were missing, compared to those attending schools operating on a six-period schedule


the number of students Abl impacted in 2019

Recent Evidence of Impact

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Abl’s analysis helped us see that many scholars were not having rigorous, robust schedules, and academic experiences they needed to open every possible door after high school. Not only that, but our scheduling practices were also resulting in a financial hit to our district.

Tammy Campbell
Federal Way Public Schools
Higher Ed

Eleifend id suspendisse eu elementum duis nunc fringilla mattis ut. Morbi ullamcorper sodales amet, laoreet non ac dolor adipiscing. Nunc elementum semper ultricies nisl, tristique etiam vitae sed lorem.

Read More
Abl’s software and actionable insights help school district leaders take an operations-first approach to equity and resource allocation
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
Type of Evidence
Company-provided case study


Velit egestas dignissim eu malesuada. Ridiculus egestas nibh sed eget. Vulputate id non sit gravida. Commodo ut risus arcu non nec. Rutrum dui, lacus, faucibus lectus orci luctus in diam at. Ultrices elementum, congue vestibulum eget donec quis. Nullam suspendisse nunc gravida erat.
Non eleifend semper at gravida ornare elementum a. Laoreet et imperdiet convallis sit aliquam. Quis tortor cras diam magnis nisl amet lacinia felis. Blandit feugiat neque, velit, phasellus condimentum. Sed porttitor quisque amet eu. Dignissim gravida vitae eu, accumsan. Duis purus sit urna in sed. Tortor justo, interdum sit purus non faucibus.
Ornare at nunc sed arcu, diam integer amet turpis. Varius.


Abl’s audit uncovered the number of instructional hours Federal Way Students were missing, compared to those attending schools operating on a six-period schedule


the number of students Abl impacted in 2019

Recent Evidence of Impact

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Abl’s analysis helped us see that many scholars were not having rigorous, robust schedules, and academic experiences they needed to open every possible door after high school. Not only that, but our scheduling practices were also resulting in a financial hit to our district.

Tammy Campbell
Federal Way Public Schools
Higher Ed

Eleifend id suspendisse eu elementum duis nunc fringilla mattis ut. Morbi ullamcorper sodales amet, laoreet non ac dolor adipiscing. Nunc elementum semper ultricies nisl, tristique etiam vitae sed lorem.

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Abl’s software and actionable insights help school district leaders take an operations-first approach to equity and resource allocation
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
Type of Evidence
Company-provided case study


Velit egestas dignissim eu malesuada. Ridiculus egestas nibh sed eget. Vulputate id non sit gravida. Commodo ut risus arcu non nec. Rutrum dui, lacus, faucibus lectus orci luctus in diam at. Ultrices elementum, congue vestibulum eget donec quis. Nullam suspendisse nunc gravida erat.
Non eleifend semper at gravida ornare elementum a. Laoreet et imperdiet convallis sit aliquam. Quis tortor cras diam magnis nisl amet lacinia felis. Blandit feugiat neque, velit, phasellus condimentum. Sed porttitor quisque amet eu. Dignissim gravida vitae eu, accumsan. Duis purus sit urna in sed. Tortor justo, interdum sit purus non faucibus.
Ornare at nunc sed arcu, diam integer amet turpis. Varius.


Abl’s audit uncovered the number of instructional hours Federal Way Students were missing, compared to those attending schools operating on a six-period schedule


the number of students Abl impacted in 2019

Recent Evidence of Impact

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Sit in vestibulum nulla morbi. Morbi nec felis malesuada gravida scelerisque est. Ac quam euismod sed mauris condimentum tortor suspendisse sed. Interdum neque mauris iaculis non. Lacus ipsum ac tellus tempus diam vestibulum molestie. At amet, sit auctor vestibulum. Et in sem ut morbi suspendisse venenatis auctor at egestas. Gravida condimentum nunc volutpat adipiscing orci, rhoncus suspendisse libero non. Ut congue tellus imperdiet velit. Arcu, lectus lorem non lacinia. Adipiscing placerat varius elementum turpis amet eget feugiat. Placerat hac morbi elementum amet. Massa accumsan quisque venenatis feugiat. Ac amet, arcu, diam feugiat.

Abl’s analysis helped us see that many scholars were not having rigorous, robust schedules, and academic experiences they needed to open every possible door after high school. Not only that, but our scheduling practices were also resulting in a financial hit to our district.

Tammy Campbell
Federal Way Public Schools

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